214 Broadway St | Frederick, MD

Automotive Repair

  • Lady with car hood up - steam rising

    Sometimes it is EASY to see if your car or truck needs to come into our shop for professional repairs! 
    1.  You see steam rising from the engine!
    2.  The Check Engine Light is on!
    3.  The engine starts, but there is an odor that is not right.
    4.  You hear grinding or thumping noises.

  • Your vehicle's cooling system is one of the most important systems in your vehicle. Inside your engine, spark plugs ignite the fuel within the cylinders to produce small explosions that propel your vehicle down the road. With small explosions comes scorching temperatures that can destroy your engine if not controlled. There are two types of cooling systems - liquid-cooled and air-cooled. 

  • mechanic working on a vehicle

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we specialize in detailed knowledge of complicated, performance systems. One such system, which is becoming ever more precise and complex, is the suspension on your car. Luxury and performance vehicles are innovators and leaders in the suspension field; and as such, it takes leading technicians to service them.

  • truck pulling a trailer

    You know Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick is here to assist you with all your Chevy, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup service needs. Sometimes, however, your trailer needs some attention too. Luckily, we’ll take care of that.

  • Transmission Cut to show you the inside of it

    Nothing works if your transmission doesn't work!  Simply put you are going nowhere without it and it is the one thing that both car and truck drivers alike never think twice about until it really acts up or they have no power or simply don't move forward.  Most of us have a newer car or truck with an automatic transmission in it vs. a standard transmission so do not notice that it is slipping gears until the problem is really serious so the question is how do you get the most out of your transmission?  The obvious answer is to take care of your transmission with scheduled service per your owner's manual recommendation but we have put together a simple checklist for our Frederick drivers to help them become "transmission aware" as it were.

  • Engine Maintenance

    You’ve determined it’s time to get rid of the engine you have, along with all of its issues. You’re probably considering getting something new altogether, and you’re tired of this one giving you issues. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD is here to help you make the call.

    If your car, truck, or SUV has really been put through the wringer, it might be time for a new one. However, before you decide to throw in the towel there are a few things you should consider.

  • Diesel Truck

    You have determined your Cummins, Duramax, or Powerstroke engine needs to be replaced. You might be on the fence about whether you should replace the engine in your diesel, or just get a new truck. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we’re here to help.

  • mechanic working on a vehicle

    Transmission work is a world of precision and attention to detail. Transmission specialists, like the technicians at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, chose to specialize in transmission work partly because they have a knack for both. It’s just one of the things that make us the best in the business.

  • transmission

    Transmission failure is never a fun subject. But, if your transmission has finally bit the dust, don’t panic. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD has the solutions you need that will save you time and money in the long run. We're here to help you explore all your options so you can make the best decision for you and your vehicle.

  • engine

    Once you’ve determined a vehicle needs to have the engine replaced and is in good enough shape to keep on the team, it’s time to find an engine. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD is here to help you choose the right one. There are a variety of replacement options when it comes to engines.

  • Car driving past a road trip sign

    If you're prepping to go on a road trip, you need to be sure that your vehicle is ready for the journey. An unmaintained vehicle could be the difference between a good trip and a trip that goes south really quickly. Here at Skip's Auto Repair, we want to remind you of some things to do so you and your vehicle are ready for the road. 

  • all black performance car with lights on

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we specialize in performance and luxury vehicles. We also realize what a huge investment these cars and SUVs are, and why it’s so important to take care of them.

  • Engine Maintenance

    A quality product is only as good as the quality of the installation. You’re dropping some serious money on an engine replacement, on a car that’s worth even more. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD is here to make sure you get the quality install you need.

  • mechanic working on vehicle

    If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck. If you do, then you probably know the difference between a job done, a job done well, and a job done perfectly. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we strive for the latter.

  • Some of you may have experienced poor quality work done to your vehicle, which may have ended damaging your car worse or left you feeling uneasy. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we understand the importance of high-quality service and repairs which is why we strive to be the best. Here are examples of why it makes a difference, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive.

  • transmission

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we like to offer a little insight from time to time. Here are some quick tips to unlocking the secret of keeping a transmission going strong.

  • 3-D blueprint of car with a physical engine in it

    Has the day finally come to replace your engine? If your engine is tired, worn out, and problematic, we can help at Skip's Auto Repair. First, let's take a look at remanufactured engines; what they are, what ‘remanufactured’ means and why they’re a great way to give your car a new life.

  • Engine Maintenance

    Once your engine is installed, you’ll want to keep it running right. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD has you covered. Sometimes, engines just wear out - however, most of the time they meet an early demise as a result of improper maintenance. Keep your engine running like new by maintaining it the way your technician recommends.

  • transmission

    The transmission in your diesel truck is built for hard work. But, after many miles and hard days on the road, inevitably the time will come to replace it. When that time comes, Skip's Auto Repair has the professionals you need, for the best truck repair service in Frederick.

  • mechanic holding wrench

    There seems to be a common misconception among many that if you have an aftermarket/extended warranty, that your car, truck, SUV, or Jeep must be taken to a dealership. This is not true. Non-dealership / Independent Automotive repair shops like ours here at Skip's Auto Repair can service and repair your new or under warranty/extended warranty. As a positive, at our shop, you can get fast service and work with highly trained technicians! We'd love to take care of your vehicle for you and can do so right here at our automotive shop. Repairs by highly rated and trained automotive technicians with dealer rated diagnostic tools, at better pricing by a shop that knows you!