214 Broadway St | Frederick, MD

Automotive Repair

  • mechanic performing diagnostics

    Since the first automobile, vehicle electronics have become increasingly more complex with every passing era. In the modern-day, your car, truck, or SUV likely depends on an array of modules, sensors, and components that control every aspect of how your vehicle runs and drives. Here’s what you need to know about your vehicle’s electronics systems, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick.

  • headlight on on vehicle

    Every car, truck, van, and SUV on the road today has headlights. However, you've probably noticed an increase in different types of headlights in more recent years - gone are the days where every vehicle on the road had the same bulb. Here is some information on headlights, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • clutch disc

    If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you already know you have a clutch. But what exactly is it, and what does it do? At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we believe that knowing a little more about your car better prepares you to keep it maintained. Here’s what you should know about your clutch disc.

  • hand on car air conditioning vent

    When you get in your car, truck, SUV, or minivan to drive and the A/C does not work what could be wrong? Here at Skip's Auto Repair, we have some simple answers to help you understand how your vehicle A/C system works. The first question we are asked is "Why isn't my air conditioner blowing cold air?" Let's talk about what could be happening. 

  • car driving

    What does a flex plate do, and how do you know if yours is faulty? Your vehicle may be telling you things you may not know. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick has the answers you need.

  • hand holding car remote start

    While some keys or key fobs can only be obtained from dealerships, most cars can be programmed to accept a new key or key fob without expensive dealer intervention. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we often provide such services, at a fraction of the cost.

  • Engine Maintenance

    Your fleet or commercial vehicles are heavy duty machines that see a lot of wear and tear. When your engine mounts begin to fail, sometimes it feels like the whole vehicle is falling apart. Get your vehicle back into shape with the professional technicians at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • man turning wrench

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, transmission maintenance and repair is our specialty. Here’s some information on your transmission pump - what it does, and how to know if yours needs to be replaced.

  • mechanic turning a wrench on a car

    Your car’s belts and hoses are essential to the cooling, air conditioning, and charging systems, and the engine. Here at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, our team takes them seriously as we understand that ignoring the routine replacement intervals will result in a costly breakdown that could leave you stranded. There are so many components tied together with your belts & hoses that it isn't just a simple belt or hose requiring repairs when you allow things to progress to the stage where your car or truck has a breakdown due to a faulty belt or hose.

  • diagnostics

    If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle made by manufacturers like BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Land Rover, Porsche, etc., you’re probably no stranger to state of the art electronics, sensors, and control systems. At Skip's Auto Repair, our technicians have the right knowledge, ability, and equipment necessary to keep your car or SUV in top-notch condition.

  • At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we enjoy providing you with useful knowledge that pertains to the ownership and maintenance of your car, truck, or SUV. You may have noticed more and more electric cars hitting our roadways over the past few years. With that in mind, here’s a brief, but interesting look at the history of electric cars.

  • Under the hood

    You’ve decided to replace your engine - but what do you replace it with? There are a few different options out there, and Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD has the info you need.

  • exhaust on a vehicle

    Exhaust issues are extremely common, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we can get your exhaust back in shape in no time.

    Exhaust issues tend to be neglected, and we get that; there are just other parts of your vehicle that you'd rather focus on. Besides a clogged catalytic converter, there isn’t much risk of damage from a bad exhaust system - it negatively affects your gas mileage, and the sound is annoying, but other than that, it’s an issue many people learn to live with. 

  • fleet of vehicles

    The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to insure smooth, reliable operation. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, create a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.

  • gear shift on a vehicle

    There are many parts and systems outside of the car’s transmission that is equally as important as the parts and systems inside the transmission. Without them, the transmission won’t do much. There’s no way to transfer power from the engine to the shafts, disengage it to shift the gears, or power the differential without them. Just in case you need us, at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we can help keep your transmission in top shape, but here’s what you need to know.

  • engine

    If your car, truck or SUV is experiencing engine issues and you are concerned about having to purchase a new vehicle, our technicians at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick have an answer that will save you money and help you maintain the value of your vehicle. Today's vehicles cost more than they ever did and you typically have a loan for a much longer time period - yet the warranty it seems stays relatively short!

    Here, we believe in treating your vehicle as if it were ours and if your engine is not reliable we can replace it with a JASPER replacement engine with a nationwide parts and labor warranty! It is what we would do with our car, truck or SUV instead of trading it for a higher payment or a vehicle we didn't like as much as what we had!

  • gear shift with hand on it

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know that transmissions are one of the greatest technological marvels of the automotive world. How does a standard shift transmission work? Why should you care? Our expert technicians here at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick have the answers.

  • technician holding a clean and dirty air filter comparison in the front seat of a car

    When driving around town, your vehicle's engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot. In fact, a typical vehicle needs about 216,000 gallons of air for every tank of gas. All that air passes through a filter that catches the dust and dirt. Eventually, the filter gets completely full, and because the filter can only hold so much, dirt starts getting through. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we want to help you get the best air quality in your vehicle, but first, we want to explain the process of where this dirty air is going. 

  • parked truck

    The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.

  • At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we know your car, truck, or SUV is far more than just a vehicle. It’s a lifeline...getting you to work, your kids to school, carrying groceries, and taking you anywhere you need to go. It’s also a huge investment, and one worth protecting.