Transmissions are one of the more mysterious and unknown aspects of automotive engineering, to most people. In the modern world, this is more true than ever, making technicians with expertise in transmission maintenance and repair more of a necessity than a convenience. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, our technicians have the skill, knowledge, and equipment necessary to diagnose and repair any sort of transmission issue you may be experiencing with your Dodge, Chevrolet, or Ford diesel pickup.
If you drive a lightweight car, truck, or SUV, the torque converter you have installed is probably just fine. For those of you with more heavy-duty applications, like high horsepower setups or towing rigs, the stock converter may not be enough. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we can help you determine if your torque converter is right for the job you need to be done.
We’ve all been there: You start your car in the morning and begin to back out of the driveway. You hear an unusual noise coming from your car, and it sounds bad. How do you know if it's something you should bring in to us here at Skip's Auto Repair to get looked at?
Transmissions rarely go out without a warning. Typically it takes a while, during which time there will be observable symptoms. Sometimes it’s an easy fix and sometimes it isn’t, but it’s always better to catch an issue and get it repaired as soon as possible. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD has provided you with a few things to watch out for.
If you operate a fleet of vehicles, you’ve probably listened to a vehicle and thought “that doesn’t sound right” at least once or twice. Strange noises are an indicator that something isn’t working right, and typically means something is wearing out a lot faster than it should, or is about to fail. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we can tell a lot about the condition of a vehicle just by listening to it. Specific noises and where they come from are often all you need to diagnose an issue and the severity of the problem. Here are some signs to listen out for.
All trucks, from a Chevy S-10, to the largest, heavy-duty trucks on the road, are classified into categories. Trucks are categorized by weight into classifications 1-9, and each grade comes with its own set of regulations and license requirements. Here’s a quick guide, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick.
214 Broadway St | Frederick, MD
(301) 662-9876
MON-FRI | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM