214 Broadway St | Frederick, MD

Truck Repair

  • truck driving on road

    Ride quality is an essential part of your driving experience. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we strive to keep your truck as smooth and comfortable to drive as the day it came off the lot. Your shock absorbers play a huge role in ride quality; here’s what you should know.

  • injectors

    Your injectors are the mechanism that delivers fuel into the cylinders of your diesel engine. As such, they’re clearly important. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we will diagnose, maintain, and repair any injector issues you may be experiencing with your commercial or fleet trucks, in a timely and professional manner.

  • truck pulling a trailer

    You know Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick is here to assist you with all your Chevy, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup service needs. Sometimes, however, your trailer needs some attention too. Luckily, we’ll take care of that.

  • Transmission Cut to show you the inside of it

    Nothing works if your transmission doesn't work!  Simply put you are going nowhere without it and it is the one thing that both car and truck drivers alike never think twice about until it really acts up or they have no power or simply don't move forward.  Most of us have a newer car or truck with an automatic transmission in it vs. a standard transmission so do not notice that it is slipping gears until the problem is really serious so the question is how do you get the most out of your transmission?  The obvious answer is to take care of your transmission with scheduled service per your owner's manual recommendation but we have put together a simple checklist for our Frederick drivers to help them become "transmission aware" as it were.

  • fleet of vehicles

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know how much efficiency matters. When it comes to your truck, it’s equally important. Obviously, a huge chunk of your operating cost is fuel consumption, which is largely dependent on the truck's design. Fortunately, there are ways to greatly increase the efficiency of your truck, regardless of shape or size.

  • Man checking tablet with fleet stats.

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know how important it is that your fleet benefits you as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is by minimizing breakdowns. Breakdowns are expensive, time-consuming, and throw a wrench into operations; and as anyone who operates a fleet knows, time and efficiency are the most important factors in getting the most out of your fleet. Here are some tips on minimizing breakdowns in your fleet, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • oil cap on car

    Are you leaking oil? Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD can help. Oil leaks mess up your driveway and make a mess under the hood. It can also get pricey constantly having to fill the engine, not to mention inconvenient.

  • potholes

    Don’t you hate it when potholes sneak up on you? There is a lot of money being spent on vehicle damage due to potholes. Do you know what parts of your car could receive the most damage? Skip's Auto Repair is the leader in Frederick, MD for the service and repair of automotive tires. We know the kind of damage that can be done, so if you suspect something is wrong with your car or truck, it’s always a good idea to stop by so we can take a quick look.


  • rusted car with smoke coming out of exhaust

    The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to ensure smooth, reliable operation. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, creates a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.

  • puddle spot on concrete from a leak

    Whether it’s due to damage, or simply old age, leaky trucks are a problem. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we can fix that for you.

    Water leaks are common and hazardous. Not only do they cause rust, rot, and mold damage to your trucks, they also put any cargo inside at risk. No customer wants their boxes and products to arrive water damaged - it not only makes your company look bad but can cost you a lot of money. 

  • At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we understand that big trucks mean bigger risk on the road. Here are some tips to remember, to reduce the likelihood of an accident next time you’re on the job.

  • oil cooler on a vehicle

    If you’re running a truck (or trucks) without an auxiliary oil cooler, it may be something you want to consider. Here’s some information on auxiliary oil coolers, what they are, and why they’re a great upgrade, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • suspension of vehicles

    Whether your diesel pickup is a Dodge, Chevrolet, or Ford, it’s undoubtedly a well-made, heavy-duty machine. However, when an issue does arise, trust Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick to keep you on the road.

  • Oil gunked up on an engine.

    We see this with our fleet customers, our regular Frederick car pool drivers and our diesel truck drivers so it isn't just one type of driver that ends up with a nightmare on their hands costing thousands of dollars to repair, asking about the costs of a JASPER replacement engine!  The fact is your driving habits and maintenance habits can easily avoid this issue!  6 EASY STEPS - Service, Tires, Don't Ignore Service Engine Lights, Keep it Clean & Stop Driving Crazy!

  • mechanic working on a vehicle

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know that keeping up with required maintenance schedules is the difference between a truck that lasts a few years and a truck that stays strong for decades.

  • Transmission

    Automatic transmissions aren’t easily understood outside of specialists like those at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a series of articles, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing, and how it works.

  • tire options at a tire store

    There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. Once you decide it's time to replace your tires, the choice can be overwhelming. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, our technicians have been trained to help you make that choice. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that will suit your needs.

  • Fleet Trucks

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we’re not only here to fix your truck when something goes wrong...we’re here to help you understand your truck a little better, too. Here are some tips concerning your thermostat - how it works, what to watch out for, and what to do about it when one fails.

  • hole in 4x4 diesel truck tire

    When your light comes on, it is ALWAYS important to look at the issue to see if it is a problem.  Especially if it is a light we all understand.  Tire pressure is one we all can relate to and an easy one to look at.  However, most drivers just assume the air is low in them and ignore it which is not a good idea especially when you are driving a 4x4 diesel truck off-roading and could have picked up anything and/or everything like this truck tire did. 

    He looked, and immediately headed over to see our technicians here at Skip's Auto Repair.  

  • truck driving on road

    At Skip's Auto Repair, there’s a reason we’re the top rated truck repair center in Frederick, MD; we do it all. While many shops shy away from the more complicated aspects of truck repair, we have the tools and people to get the job done.