214 Broadway St | Frederick, MD

Fleet Trucks

  • Turbo

    Most commercial diesel engines these days are turbocharged. Turbos dramatically increase power and efficiency, particularly on diesel engines, which makes them a must-have item on engines that rely heavily on both. However, sometimes issues arise in turbo systems; at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we can fix that.

  • fleet vehicles

    Most commercial diesel engines these days are turbocharged. Turbos dramatically increase power and efficiency, particularly on diesel engines, which makes them a must-have item on engines that rely heavily on both. However, sometimes issues arise in turbo systems; at Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we can fix that.

  • If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of breakdowns and malfunctions on the road. However, there’s a good chance those time consuming and expensive issues were completely avoidable, and your vehicle was warning you of an imminent issue all along. Here are some important tips from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD

  • fleet of commercial vehicles

    Does your fleet have vehicles equipped with four-wheel or all-wheel drive? More and more, companies are moving towards vehicles equipped with one or the other - they’re safer and more useful, particularly in inclement weather or less than ideal conditions. If your fleet is powered by all four wheels, Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD has you covered.

  • fleet trucks

    It’s easier than ever to keep your fleet running smoothly for thousands of miles. If a vehicle has less than 50,000 miles on it today, chances are it still has 75 percent of its driving life ahead of it. That’s good news if you’re a company managing a fleet of vehicles. It wasn’t that long ago that hitting the 100,000-mile mark on the odometer was a major milestone. Today, vehicles are built to last. With the proper maintenance and attention, there’s no reason you shouldn’t expect to see that 50,000-mile reading on the odometer one day roll right past 200,000 and keep ongoing. Here at Skip's Auto Repair, we're going to give you some tips on how to make that happen!

  • While most fleet vehicles are chosen for their reliability, low maintenance, and durability, sometimes maintaining several of them at a time can become overwhelming. Just keeping up with the maintenance schedule alone is a task and then to ensure you keep your scheduled routes for those fleet vehicles is another task in itself. Let Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick put your mind at ease, with our fleet maintenance programs for any and all fleet vehicles. We will take the stress from your business fleet program and get your fleet trucks and fleet cars running at optimum performance with a routine that works for your business that often REDUCES costs!

  • fleet of semi trucks

    While diesel trucks are some of the best vehicles on the road today, sometimes maintaining a fleet of them can become overwhelming. Let Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick put your mind at ease, with our fleet maintenance programs for diesel fleet vehicles.

  • injectors

    Your injectors are the mechanism that delivers fuel into the cylinders of your diesel engine. As such, they’re clearly important. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we will diagnose, maintain, and repair any injector issues you may be experiencing with your commercial or fleet trucks, in a timely and professional manner.

  • engine

    Once you’ve got your fleet vehicle or commercial truck back on the road, it’s important to take the proper steps to keep it that way. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD we have you covered. Sometimes engines just wear out - but there’s a good chance your last engine took a turn for the worst as a result of maintenance issues that went unnoticed or weren’t taken care of in time. 

  • fleet of vehicles

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know how much efficiency matters. When it comes to your truck, it’s equally important. Obviously, a huge chunk of your operating cost is fuel consumption, which is largely dependent on the truck's design. Fortunately, there are ways to greatly increase the efficiency of your truck, regardless of shape or size.

  • Man checking tablet with fleet stats.

    At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we know how important it is that your fleet benefits you as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to ensure this is by minimizing breakdowns. Breakdowns are expensive, time-consuming, and throw a wrench into operations; and as anyone who operates a fleet knows, time and efficiency are the most important factors in getting the most out of your fleet. Here are some tips on minimizing breakdowns in your fleet, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • engine

    Once you’ve determined a vehicle needs to have the engine replaced and is in good enough shape to keep on the team, it’s time to find an engine. Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD is here to help you choose the right one. There are a variety of replacement options when it comes to engines.

  • rusted car with smoke coming out of exhaust

    The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to ensure smooth, reliable operation. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, creates a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.

  • puddle spot on concrete from a leak

    Whether it’s due to damage, or simply old age, leaky trucks are a problem. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we can fix that for you.

    Water leaks are common and hazardous. Not only do they cause rust, rot, and mold damage to your trucks, they also put any cargo inside at risk. No customer wants their boxes and products to arrive water damaged - it not only makes your company look bad but can cost you a lot of money. 

  • fleet of vehicles

    The heads on your commercial or fleet diesel are one of the most integral parts of your engine. The heads are comprised of the valvetrain, exhaust ports, intake ports, and injector ports. In essence, a head’s purpose is to regulate and time the intake of fresh air, the release of exhaust, the compression of fuel and air that provides combustion, and the entry point for fuel into the cylinder. The head is where all the complex aspects of engine operation occur...without it, you just have a chunk of metal with pistons in it, and no way to make them move. Here’s what you need to know about your heads, from Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD.

  • When your commercial or fleet vehicles need maintenance or repair, we know it can be a hassle. We also know that you want it to stay fixed and stay on the road for as long as possible. At Skip's Auto Repair, a huge aspect of our focus on quality is not only centered around the work we do but also the components we install.

  • mechanic working on vehicle

    If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck. If you do, then you probably know the difference between a job done, a job done well, and a job done perfectly. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we strive for the latter.

  • mechanic working on an engine

    Commercial trucks have heavy engines, and they spend a lot of time running, particularly at idle. As a result, the mounts that secure the engine to chassis of the truck have a tendency to wear out, causing all sorts of shaking and vibration that the driver will feel in the cab of the truck. At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, we can take care of that for you.

  • At Skip's Auto Repair in Frederick, MD, we understand that big trucks mean bigger risk on the road. Here are some tips to remember, to reduce the likelihood of an accident next time you’re on the job.

  • fleet vans

    When you run a company that uses fleets, the safety of your fleet and drivers should always be one of your top concerns. There is always room for improvement when it comes to safety and reduces accidents.